2013-07-23 22:37:12
- 堆的性质虽然借助树的概念来定义的,但实际实现用数组即可,数组的下标可表征父节点与左右子树的关系;
- 数组下标从1开始时,下标为i的结点的左子树的下标为 2i,右子树下标为2i + 1;数组下标从0开始时,下标为i的结点的左子树的下标为 2i + 1,右子树下标为2i + 2;
- 注意循环结束条件;
- 下面的代码中输入数组是利用随机数产生函数rand()得到的,用srand()函数,可给rand()提供seed,这样每次运行时就会得到不同的随机数序列;但要注意其使用方法
1 #include2 #include 3 #include 4 using namespace std; 5 6 typedef int DataType; 7 const int MaxSize = 100000000; 8 9 //显示数组元素,lengthOfArray为数组中元素个数 10 void DisplayArray(const DataType arrayToDiaplay[],const size_t lengthOfArray) 11 { 12 assert(NULL != arrayToDiaplay); 13 14 for (size_t index = 0;index < lengthOfArray;++index) 15 { 16 cout< <<"\t"; 17 } 18 19 cout< lengthOfHeapArray) ? false : true; 28 } 29 30 //判断在最大下标为lengthOfHeapArray(为数组中元素个数-1)的数组中,下标为positionToAdjust的元素是否有右子树 31 bool IsHasRightChild(const size_t lengthOfHeapArray,const size_t positionToAdjust) 32 { 33 size_t indexOfRightChild = 2 * positionToAdjust + 2; 34 35 return (indexOfRightChild > lengthOfHeapArray) ? false : true; 36 } 37 38 //数组下标以1开始时,下标为i的结点的左子树下标为2i,左子树下标为2i+1 39 //数组下标以0开始时,下标为i的结点的左子树下标为2i+1,左子树下标为2i+2 40 //调用函数要保证positionToAdjust是小于 41 void HeapAdjust(DataType heapArray[],const size_t lengthOfHeapArray,const size_t positionToAdjust) 42 { 43 DataType leftChildIndex = 2 * positionToAdjust + 1; 44 DataType rightChildIndex = 2 * positionToAdjust + 2; 45 46 size_t positionOfMax = positionToAdjust; //只用positionOfMax记录最大数的下标即可 47 48 if ( !IsHasLeftChild(lengthOfHeapArray,positionToAdjust) //若为叶节点,直接返回 49 && !IsHasRightChild(lengthOfHeapArray,positionToAdjust) ) 50 { 51 return; 52 } 53 54 if ( IsHasLeftChild(lengthOfHeapArray,positionToAdjust) 55 && heapArray[leftChildIndex] > heapArray[positionOfMax]) 56 { 57 //max = heapArray[leftChildIndex]; 58 positionOfMax = leftChildIndex; 59 } 60 61 if ( IsHasRightChild(lengthOfHeapArray,positionToAdjust) 62 && heapArray[rightChildIndex] > heapArray[positionOfMax]) 63 { 64 //max = heapArray[rightChildIndex]; 65 positionOfMax = rightChildIndex; 66 } 67 68 if ( positionOfMax == positionToAdjust ) //结点大于左子树与右子树,不需调整 69 { 70 return; 71 } 72 else 73 { 74 //swap(heapArray[positionToAdjust],max); 75 swap(heapArray[positionToAdjust],heapArray[positionOfMax]); 76 HeapAdjust(heapArray,lengthOfHeapArray,positionOfMax); 77 } 78 } 79 80 //堆排序,lengthOfHeapArray为数组的最大下标为(为数组中元素个数-1) 81 void HeapSort(DataType heapArray[],const size_t lengthOfHeapArray) 82 { 83 assert(NULL != heapArray); 84 //size_t index; //使用size_t类型,下面的for循环不能结束0 - 1 = 2^32 - 1 85 int index; 86 87 for (index = (lengthOfHeapArray - 1)/2;index >= 0;--index) 88 { 89 HeapAdjust(heapArray,lengthOfHeapArray,index); 90 } 91 92 for (index = lengthOfHeapArray;index > 0;--index) 93 { 94 swap(heapArray[0],heapArray[index]); 95 HeapAdjust(heapArray,index - 1,0); //不是HeapAdjust(heapArray,lengthOfHeapArray,0); 96 } 97 } 98 99 //产生在[lowBound,upperBound - 1]区间的随机数100 int RandomIntGenerate(int lowBound, int upperBound)101 { 102 return (lowBound + (RAND_MAX * rand() + rand()) % (upperBound - lowBound + 1) );103 }104 105 //测试“脚手架”106 void TestDriver()107 { 108 DataType *unsortedArray = new int[MaxSize];109 size_t lengthOfUnsortedArray = 0;110 int MinRandomInt;111 int MaxRandomInt;112 size_t i;113 int timeStart = 0;114 double timeCostAverage = 0;115 116 DataType *heapArray = unsortedArray;117 //size_t lengthOfHeapArray = lengthOfUnsortedArray; //若lengthOfUnsortedArray未初始化,不能将其赋给其他变量,否则报错118 size_t *lengthOfHeapArray = &lengthOfUnsortedArray;119 120 cout<<"please enter the length Of UnsortedArray,MinRandomInt and MaxRandomInt :"< >lengthOfUnsortedArray>>MinRandomInt>>MaxRandomInt;122 123 srand((unsigned) time(NULL)); //随机数产生的seed124 for (i = 0;i < lengthOfUnsortedArray;++i) //准备待排序数组125 {126 //srand((unsigned) time(NULL)); //随机数产生的seed,不能放在循环体内,否则unsortedArray将会是全部相同的数127 unsortedArray[i] = RandomIntGenerate(MinRandomInt,MaxRandomInt);128 }129 130 /*cout<<"the unsorted array is :"< < lengthOfUnsortedArray - 1;++i) //检查排序是否正确140 {141 if (unsortedArray[i] > unsortedArray[i + 1])142 {143 cout<<"sort bug i = "< <
please enter the length Of UnsortedArray,MinRandomInt and MaxRandomInt :10 0 100the unsorted array is :20 34 24 36 5 43 6 92 75 82the average time cost per data is : 0 nsthe sorted array is :5 6 20 24 34 36 43 75 82 92请按任意键继续. . .